Tuesday, October 23, 2007

3 Days Left

I've 3 days left to enjoy my wisdom teeth. They come out on Friday.

The pain will leave sometime by Christmas.

1 comment:

Lori Fitzgerald said...

Don't worry - you can't feel a thing when they take them, and then you don't care (the meds are REALLY nice!)
I had my wisdom teeth out when I was a freshman in college. (That's a relative term, because I never got past my freshman year, but I digress...)
Anyway, I talked through the entire extraction (imagine that) and expounded on the thought that if high school students were just given the drugs I had been given, they would swear off the stuff permanently. I then proceeded to go home and pass out for 2 days.
Several weeks later, at a very formal event, one of my dissolvable stitches came out at a rather inconvenient moment.
So you see, it won't hurt, and more than likely you'll have a story to tell :-)